Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 1

I got home really late last night, so I didn't take the time to prepare my meals to take to work...I'll admit it, I was having a major lazy moment.  For breakfast I had the French Toast SmartOnes frozen meal.  I was excited to see these show how many Weight Watcher points each are worth.  It's perfect for me when I am in a hurry.  For lunch, I had a last minute lunch meeting at work.  I am so bummed that I don't have my "dining out" book yet, so when we went to a Thai restaurant I went for a small bowl of Wonton Soup.  I'm hoping that wasn't too bad since I have a total of 29 points to use each day.  For dinner I packed another SmartOnes frozen meal.  Tomorrow I will start actually preparing food instead of taking the easy way out.  I am actually excited to start throwing some things together to see what I come up with.  I've never really been into cooking, so that will be new for me also.  I am limiting the frozen food for those days where I am in a hurry and don't have time to cook.

Tonight I am going to get on the treadmill and walk for 30 minutes.  Honestly, I am not looking forward to it.  It does not seem like a great way to spend a Friday night, but I do have a lot of DVR shows I can use to occupy my mind while on the treadie.  Hopefully if I start slow and get back in the routine of working out, then I will start to look forward to it. 

I'm pretty excited for this weekend.  Every Saturday and Sunday I always take my dog on an hour walk at the park.  It's so much fun for me to listen to my music and watch my dog have so much fun running along side of me after the squirrels.  Plus, I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that I wasn't excited to see a certain someone.  This guy walked by me and smiled one day.  I had seen him before, but never looked at him because I'm too shy and...yes insecure.  I mean what guy that is so cute would be interested in me when I am so out of shape (regardless if this is true, my mind conjures this up).  Anyways, a couple of months ago my dog ran in front of him on the path so when I was reeling her leash back in I looked up at him and he smiled.  I gave that shy half smile back which probably made me look like a total snob.  The circle at the park you walk around is so big that you always see everyone twice.  So I told myself that the second time I saw him on the circle I would give a real smile back (showing teeth).  I did so and now fast forward two months ahead and he ALWAYS smiles, waves, and says good morning every time.  He could just be a friendly guy, but it's fun to imagine the possibilities.  Lets hope for no rain tomorrow!

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